PARATUS is developing a service for multi-hazard systemic vulnerability and dynamic risk scenarios. Part of this involves establishing a Stakeholder Hub that will help individuals and those representing organisations to create a dynamic network of those interested in contributing to this aspect of Societal Resilience.
The Hub uses the Online Community Platform – The Crisis Management Innovation Network Europe (CMINE) to help foster diversity and innovation of thinking through cross-sector, multi-stakeholder dialogues around capability gaps and potential solutions.
The Hub will provide two-way access to facilitate engagement between the Project and its Stakeholders and Stakeholders and the Project.

Are you a first/second responder, technical employee in an NGO, VOST member, scientist, or citizens’ representative and would you like to support the PARATUS project as user, co-designer and co-owner of its results?
Join our platform for crisis management stakeholders!
The hub for crisis management professionals in the EU and beyond. It aims to foster innovation and research uptake in crisis management through cross-sector, multi-stakeholder dialogues around capability gaps and potential solutions.