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On 5-7 June, PARATUS will participate in the CERIS Annual Event 2024: Disaster-Resilient Societies – From Local to International Cooperation in Brussels, Belgium.

On 6 June, PARATUS will be featured during the panel Synergy-Building among DRR research and capacity-building projects, return of experience, together with the CORE Project, the EUMA Project, The Hut Project, the DIRECTED Project, and the MEDiate Project.

The event will discuss existing and developing networking initiatives from the international to the local levels in support of Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) policies, synergies between DRR research and capacity-building projects, as well as enhanced access to knowledge in societal resilience, technologies for first and second responders, prevention/preparedness for climate / weather extreme events and geohazards, and resilience to CBRN threats with focus on medical emergencies.



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